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1191 Budapest, Földváry u. 2. +36 1 282 9896
Stock Information

Our Stock-Information service is created to offer up-to-date information about our most likely products for our registered customers and reseller partners.

By clicking the excreted product line, our registered customers and partners can have a look at the number of on-stock products (database is refreshened in every 15 minutes), completed with the list price and quantity information of each product type. 

If monitoring eg. current transformers, it is the on-stock product range that is available on the website, for which range we guarantee discount percent, without reference of the required quantity is available on stock or not.

By entering the required quantity, registered customers and partners can start order procedure also, even in case of ordering from more product lines. All occupations are listed by our system and a combined order can be started later on.

If the total quantity of your order is available from our stock, a final confirmation is to be send for customer. If there are any items missing, C+D Automatika Ltd. send a confirmation with expected delivery date included.

If available, the technical data sheet for a specific product can be opened in a new window by clicking on the product name.

There are some product line where some additional information is also required above its name, eg. the scale is to be descripted if an analogue switchboard instrument is selected or the setup details are to be added if a digital switchboard instrument is added to the product list. This information can be added to the editable part of the order form. If any datas are missing, the technical experts of C+D Automatika Ltd. will contact customer to state order details precisely.

If any questions or remarks appeal concerning our Stock Information System, please contact us through